So I got back home to Réunion on Wednesday after more that five weeks working and a few days back in Cork. It was great to get back to work and to spend some time in Cork with friends and family but it's good to be home and Réunion feels like home now which is great and a little bit surprising. I do find myself occasionally thinking "do I really live on a tropical island, sweet!"
I was only just back when we had to move out of the house for a night as the house was getting treated for termites and we wanted to give any resulting fumes the chance to dissapate. So it was back to our favorite hostel in the world, Residence Creolile, for the night.
We were the only guests there for the night so we thought we would have a quiet night, little did we know! A few of Jean-Fabien's (the owner) friends were about and they were planning to go out for dinner, however plans changed (as they so often do here) and Jean-Fabien decided he wanted to cook for everyone. So after brief discussion some people headed off to the shop for food while others went off to get the drinks. We headed off to a little restaurant
as was our plan because we needed to get the kids fed and we knew from previous experience that the local crew would be eating far too late for our little people.
So after getting back from eating we had a night of music (with both Sam and Ela on drums!), chat, drinks (various for me, pina colada for A) and a second dinner (just for me, hmmm, boucané). Sam finally admitted tiredness about midnight and went to bed. Plans were begun on a camping trip for before I head back to Guinea (I've not been about for any for the camping trips so far, it's just been A and the kids so they have gotten to know the group pretty well). All in all a great evening with great folk.
Music time at the hostel |